Saturday, May 31, 2008

It's Outside My Front Door

And it's green and goes 35 mph (45 downhill!) and cost me $3.60 to fill up. Premium. 93 Octane.


I did a practice commute tonight. It took me about 35 minutes--20 minutes longer than usual--but I'm ok with that.

More pics and stories to follow.


Nick said...

It's adorable!!! $3.60 to fill? It has < 1gal tank? MPG?

Unknown said...

MPG is probably ~100.

It's awesome, sir. Congrats. I want a 150cc soooo badly.

Anonymous said...

nice, very nice is that buddy? Megan was thinking about buying a buddy.... soon our dream will be close to the European one riding a scooter with scar and being fabulous.... well some people already are

Jonathan said...

nah, it's a Roughhouse. Made by the same company that does the buddy though. Kind of a silly name, but I guess they had to call it something.