Thursday, February 21, 2008

Arrested Development

Unfortunately, I never watched the show when it was actually airing, so God willing, there will be a movie. Barring that, I can only tell people how freaking hilarious the show is, and if you've never seen it, you should. Unfortunately, Fox or someone had youtube take down all the clips. It's so self-referential and smartly written, it really is too bad it got taken off the air.

Favorite quotes:

White Power Bill: [as he's stabbing Gob] White power!
: [gasping] I'm.. white..
: Maybe you can take a date up there.
: Oh, how am I supposed to find someone willing to go into that musty old claptrap?
: ..........(stares)..The cabin! Yes, th.. well, that would be difficult too.
Lindsay: How do you think I feel? Bob Loblaw’s a handsome, professional man and I’m only used to... well, none of those things.
Tobias: Okay, Lindsay, are you forgetting that I was a professional twice over — an analyst and a therapist. The world’s first analrapist.
Lindsay: Yes, and you were almost arrested for those business cards.
: My God, what is this feeling?
: Well, you know the-the feeling that you’re... that you’re feeling is-is what many of us call “a feeling.”
: But it’s not like envy, or even hungry.
: Could it be love?
: I know what an erection feels like, Michael! No, it’s the opposite. It’s... it’s like my heart is getting hard.

EDIT: um, duh?

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